Thursday, June 7, 2007

One Size Fits All?

The other night I got together with my writing friends. It's a great forum for talking about what's working for us and what isn't when it comes to our writing. We can solicit help, feedback, commiseration, whatever.

Deb was talking about outlining her new novel, and that started a discussion about whether or not to outline. The responses were pretty evenly distributed. Fleur and I always outline, which makes sense. We both write what could fall under the broad umbrella of crime fiction. We need to know where we're going. Jenny and Mary are both organic writers. They start with a character or situation and just write from the gut. Shane and Deb fall somewhere in the middle. Shane says he outlines in his head before he starts, but then it's organic. Deb jots notes and sort of follows them, but will allow herself a tangent if it feels right.

All of these people are excellent writers. I guess it just shows that one size does not, and cannot, fit all. Beware of those who would tell you otherwise.

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