Thursday, February 7, 2008

Synchronicity Balancing Act

One of the things that has been driven home to me during the four and a half weeks of The Artist's Way is how out of balance my life is. I knew it was, but not the extent of the imbalance. An early exercise has the person draw a circle with six sections. The sections are labeled Work, Health, Spirituality, Family/Friends, etc. You place a dot in the wedge for how much time you devote to that item. The more time, the closer to the circumference the dot. For me, work was just about to the circumference, family and friends were pretty close, too. Just about everything else was almost at the center, especially Health (taking care of) and Spirituality.

Several other tasks are about listing things you'd like to do if there were enough time or money. One of the recurring themes for me is education. Not another or a higher degree, but just taking classes in things that interest me.

Last night I found two pieces of junk mail in the mailbox. One was for a series of classes on either DVD or CD. They listed everything from mathematics to philosophy to art history. The other was for One Spirit book club. They have books about reincarnation, philosophy, tarot, witchcraft and cooking.

Then this morning I read a post on the PPW forum from a friend. She was raving about Julia Cameron's diet book. Said it was a great guide for getting yourself back into a healthy frame of mind.

Even I can't ignore that many messages in twenty-four hours. So I went to Barnes & Noble on my break and bought the book. And I bought a book of meditations. I am going to look into possible UCCS extension or Pikes Peak Community College classes. Since I tend to prefer to do things on my own, I think it might be better for me to take a class with other people.

Could this be working?

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