Friday, February 15, 2008

Fun, But Not Really Me.

Or maybe it is me, and I really have been denying that side of myself.

Yesterday, I decided to buy some new notebooks at Target to start the 3S book. Since jewelry is a big a part of the series, I wanted to find some cute school notebooks with jewelry on the cover. Nothing. Instead I found some that look like they've been used for testing different stencils. The designs are mainly birds and butterflies with a star or two thrown in. Quite different. But nothing to do with jewelry. I bought them anyway because I liked them. And I bought some stick on 'jewels' from the kids party section of the store. I'm going to add them as embellishments to the notebooks.

Sounds silly even as typed it, but I'm doing it anyway. And I'm looking forward to it.

So there.

1 comment:

Ali said...

Lol. Embrace it. It's part of the voodoo :)