Monday, January 28, 2008

Artist's Way Check-in Week 3

I completed my tasks and wrote Morning Pages every day, but I skipped the Artist's Date. I have to admit that I feel guilty about that, which is also quite irritating. I hate feeling guilty, worked many years to avoid feeling it, and here it is back again. Maybe this is one of those "stuffed" emotions she talks about that needs to come out. It doesn't feel like a good thing.

More anger surfaced at one of the rules for Week 4. No reading. At all. Does anyone ever really do this? I think not. Deb admitted that she just stopped reading for pleasure during her fourth week. When you have a job that requires reading, even just email, how do you say you won't? Sorry, boss, I will answer that email next week? No.

I'm noticing a lot of repetition in the tasks and exercise. List five things you used to like to do. List five hobbies it would be fun to try. Write, "It would be fun to....." List five things you would like to learn. All basically the same question from different angles. It feels like she didn't have 12 weeks worth of exercises so she's cheating.

Yes, I am balking big time this week. Which is the week she says we will start making big changes. But you may not feel like you're changing or growing. How convenient.


Debbie said...

I give you props for making it this far since you weren't going into this wholeheartedly to begin with. I, personally, feel you will get a lot out of it if you stick with it.

But it's ultimately your decision.

Debbie said...

Wow, I'm glad no one's critiquing for adverbs!

Jenny Maloney said...

Here's a bribe for you...

Seeing as how you'll make it through the no-reading week successfully...

I have an advanced reading copy of the Curse of the Spellmans (the sequel to the Spellman Files...) Once I'm done with it, I *may* be persuaded to hand it over....

But only if you do it. So get down to not reading.

Unknown said...

Stay on task. While it may seem repetitive, anything worth learning is worth repeating.

Also, here is another book that may help you - Triple A's for the Soul: Your Pathway to Personal Freedome, by Trent Blanchard, M.A. You can get it at or at

Both books work well together, and Trent conducts work shops based on the Artist's Way.

Just thought you might be interested.

Minion GIR said...

Is this THE Rick? I'll pass on your suggestions and Jenny's bribe. D.B. is trying to avoid anything but work reading so is foregoing the blogs this week. I've walked past her office twice today and caught her just staring at the wall.

Poor thing.

The One and Only John said...

Now, are morning pages still required, because something tells me it's hard to write without reading what you write as you write it. Right?

Minion GIR said...

Morning Page are ALWAYS required.

The fun thing about starting them is that you are not supposed to read them. I can't remember which week it is that you are finally allowed to go back and see what you've written. It was a surprise.

Maybe it's the early morning writing, but I do forget what I've written more often than not.