Friday, September 7, 2007

Process Improvement

A few years ago I worked at MCI/Worldcom. Back before The Big Layoff of 2002. I was part of group whose responsibility was to improve processes. Specifically invoicing processes, but we also were asked to help with many other kinds of processes.

Shane's very funny, and amazingly accurate, post did save a lot of time and effort for Deb and me. So, I will agree to write one article and see not only how much time it takes, but what impact it has on my other writing. Then I'll decide if I want to become a columnist.

Thanks for cutting to the chase, Shane! And for a good laugh yesterday.


Minion GIR said...

Yay! And since we skipped the whole back and forth, I don't feel like throwing anything at you.

Thanks for doing this.

Shane said...

Well that's good to hear; my ducking skills aren't all that great. I thought I was being funny, but then when I reread the post (after submitting it of course), I wasn't so sure. Every so often I get on a role without thinking. That whole inner critic thing swings both ways - total nuisance (keeping you from just being yourself) and life saver (again, keeping you from just being yourself). Funny, huh?