Wednesday, September 5, 2007


The other night at the rogue gathering, Deb asked me if I'd take over her column in the Pikes Peak Writers NewsMag. That's a nice offer, I am honored, but it's also something else to fill up time. I already have work, research, jewelry and the actual writing.

The column is called The Writer's Life and is about different issues a writer faces. Similar to what we talk about on our blogs. She said I could write about anything I want. They only publish every other month, so it might not be too time consuming.

I'll think about it.


Jenny Maloney said...

Yeah, for your first article you could write about how people butt in on your time by asking to write articles that you don't want to. How do we deal with folks like that? ;)

Minion GIR said...

Oh, come on. Six 500 word articles a year! How time-consuming can that be?

Seriously, you do a great job here. I'd love to have you do the same for the NewsMag. Please think about it.

Shane said...

And then DB hemmed and hawed and then Deb said, come on it's not like you have a life or something, and then DB acted all afronted and then Deb appologized, but not very convincingly, and then DB didn't respond at all (not talking to Deb), and then Deb appologized again, but better this time, and DB accepted her appology, but didn't say anything about the articles, and then Deb had to stoop to ask her again at which time DB consented to do one, but wouldn't commit to taking over the whole shebang until she saw how that first one went, and Deb decided to take it, but secretly wanted to throw something at DB for being so difficult.

There, I just saved everybody like an entire week of posts. You're very welcome.

Ali said...

Oh, Shane, that's terrible. Terrible in the funniest of ways, but still...

Shane said...

Oh, wait, did I type all that out loud? My bad. You know I have nothing but love for both DB and Deb. And my smart-ass gene must have been firing off or something.