Deb asked me last week if I'd read Stardust yet. She loaned the book to me a while back. I had to admit that it's still sitting on the nightstand. I've been so focused on mysteries that I haven't picked up anything else. "That's what I thought," she said and handed me an interesting blue book titled, Murder Mysteries. When I opened it, I discovered that it's a comic book based on a Neil Gaiman short story. I think my lip curled at that point. "It's a quick read. Just try it." Deb can be pushy when she wants.
I read Murder Mysteries and was so impressed I finally picked up Stardust. I'm still impressed. I don't know if I have the time to tackle anything longer right now, but I will read more Neil Gaiman stories. Maybe I'll pick up a copy of one of his short story collections.
I went to the library yesterday, and guess what I'm reading now? :)
Hmmm? Do I get 3 guesses?
What I can't believe is that I waited so long to read Gaiman after you and Deb raved about him. Sometimes we get too focused and block out things we should pay attention to.
I'll listen next time.
And that is a cool library if they carry hardcover comics.
Yeah, the local library district is pretty decent in their selection of books in general, though I've found their comics a bit lacking. However, they do have the Sin City comics, so they've got that at least.
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