Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Scary Things

Ali's challenge for September is to do something that scares us, do something risky. What am I afraid of? A quick list is: looking foolish, mice, possessed dolls/mannequins/ventriloquist's dummies. None of those seem to relate very well to writing mysteries.

Writing a mystery about a mouse-shaped ventriloquist's dummy that seems possessed seems really silly. Three birds with one silly stone.

But I'm not sure I'm going to go there.


Ali said...

Okay, so what else are you anxious about doing? Something jewelry related, perhaps? Now that you've brought up the challenge, you've got to say what you're going to do for it.

D.B. deClerq said...

I should have known you'd jump on that. For jewelry, it's wire-wrapping. I love the look of it, but think it's way beyond my skill level.

I haven't let anyone see any of HM yet. By the Sunday meeting, I'll have copies of the first few chapters for anyone interested. Not a real Sunday submission since I'm not a member, but it's a good deadline.

Ali said...

Ooh, first copies of HM. I'm a taker.

Wire-wrapping, eh? Well, that sounds about right to me. I've heard of people using cheap floral wire for their first experiments in wrapping - cheap that way. So, why don't you get some and go for it?