Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Jewelry Post

Ali very gently reminded me yesterday that I haven't made a jewelry-related post in a long time. That's probably because I haven't actually made any jewelry yet. I started to on Friday but felt like I still didn't know enough to accomplish anything. Yesterday I bought Jewelry Making & Beading for Dummies. It explains all those terms and techniques I couldn't quite figure out from the magazines I had. So I should be able to have a new pair of earrings done by Saturday. That's the deadline Ali gave me for completing my first project.

I also picked up a copy of Stardust while I was at the bookstore yesterday. I've been reading all the posts and comments by Ali, Deb and Jenny about Neil Gaiman. It may be time to check him out. Deb's offered to lend me Neverwhere and American Gods if I like Stardust. I'm not a big fantasy fan (except for Butcher, who really writes mysteries), but we'll see.


Ali said...

I just finished Stardust this morning. You're in for a good time, though some of the book vs. movie differences are pronounced.

Jenny Maloney said...

Don't let the Ali-demon bully you D.B.! She's evil! Coersive, cursive, and italics! See? I don't even know what I'm saying anymore...

Ali said...

Evil? Hrm... I thought I was just a pain in the ass. :)

Minion GIR said...

That, too. :-)