Monday, August 13, 2007

Prompt of the Week

You are summoned for jury duty. The waiting room at the courthouse is filled with other potential jurors. One person seems familiar to you. Then you realize they played an important role in your past. Who are they and what did they do?


The One and Only John said...

The person is the first man I ever fought in a bar, gave me my first broken nose. During our mutual lodging at the county jail, he told me that I was the first one to ever knock him off his feet. After that, we couldn't continue being mad at each other. Especially when we realized the woman we were fighting over went home with the timid nerd who rarely talks.

D.B. deClerq said...

Sounds like a short story to me, John.

The One and Only John said...

It is, that's the story. Only needed four sentences.

Ali said...

Flash fiction. It works.