Friday, June 27, 2008

It Has To Be Said

It's a good thing the boss is out of town for a wedding. The last two days all Deb has done is listen to her new GBS album. Every time I go past her office, I can hear it playing. And she's staring off into space with a goofy expression on her face.

And we all know that next week she's going to be complaining that she didn't have any time to write this month. Two days! I mean, they are a good band, but come on.

I don't get some people.


Minion GIR said...

Let's see, this morning I met a potential tenant at the new building and showed him around after putting together all the articles for the NewsMag.

Yesterday I revised 50 pages of MMG interspersed with covering for Giovanna AND dealing with a couple clients.

So, yeah, listening to good music helps.

I think she's just mad that I won't burn her a copy of it.

The One and Only John said...

Would you two just get it over with and get a room?!?