Friday, November 30, 2007

Partial Reprieve

The last few days of the month and the first few days of the next month are always busy for me. Comes with being a bookkeeper. So I was prepared to be too busy to work on HM yesterday or today. But the boss is pushing to get a new product tested and out the door so I only have a small fraction of my usual tasks to do today.

That means that I may be able to get through the end of the rewrite. Which will set me up nicely for new pages over the weekend. I'll be busier than usual on Monday, but that's okay. Today I may make my revised NaNoWriMo goal of finishing the rewrite and straightening out the tangles.


Ali said...

Unexptected free time is always fun.

If you keep up this pace, you'll have HM drafted in no time.

Jenny Maloney said...

Hee-hee, and then we'll get to read it.

The One and Only John said...

Yes, and make markings upon the papers. Mwa ha ha ha.